terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2013

A bit of progress is made~5 Levels done!

Remember when I said I was planning to make a hack?
Well,I made 2 levels,and I noticed Lugia Magic made 1 level,and Kaizo Himekawa,a non-Lunatic Team member,but quite experienced in SMW hacking,also made a level,it's really good,specially if you consider her young age.(If i'm not wrong,she's 6 years old)
Well,if she joins me to make this hack,that's already progress made.
Here are the levels:
By each person.
Walking in The Dark(Unofficial Name):

Crystal Terrain(Unofficial Name):

Lugia Magic:

Kaizo Himekawa:
Illusionary Night(Better than every single level) 

Yeah,5 levels are already something.
That's all for now. 

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